Dr Sashni Naicker:
“I am currently a practising Homeopath with 12years experience. Having initially setup practise in Polokwane, Limpopo, I relocated to Durban where my interest in Sevenpointfive started. My introduction to Sevenpointfive was through my patients who found that the only product that worked for their arthritis was the CMO from Sevenpointfive. One patient kindly handed me the Sevenpointfive manual to read as well.
Following this experience, when my brother-in-law was diagnosed with SLE, he was approached by his senior Manager who advised him to try the Sevenpointfive program. I saw his condition improve dramatically I then researched and approached Garth Kent whose story and passion totally inspired me. His enthusiasm, knowledge and approach to health and wellbeing is what convinced me to join the Sevenpointfive family. I realised that this was not only a business but a way of life. As an individual who is very passionate about the holistic approach to lifestyle & healing, I also try to inculcate that passion to my patients by empowering & educating them about nutrition & lifestyle. I live by what I teach & my children are testament to that. I believe as a Homeopath, the Sevenpointfive franchise offers the perfect platform to incorporate a healing advantage. Sevenpointfive makes sense as it is simple and easy to follow and I’m extremely happy to be part of the Sevenpointfive family.”